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Kate a William: Svojim deťom povedali pravdu o Holokauste

Kate Middleton a princ William sa zúčastnili národného ceremoniálu pri príležitosti oslobodenia Osvienčimu. Pri tejto príležitosti verejnosti odhalili, že o holokauste hovorili svojim deťom, princovi Georgovi a princeznej Charlotte. Bolo pre nich dôležité informovať ich o týchto historických skutočnostiach.

V pondelok 27. januára sa William a Kate Middleton stretli s 12 obeťami holokaustu. Spoločne na pódiu zapálili prvú zo 75 sviečok, čo predstavuje 75 rokov od oslobodenia Osvienčimu. V rámci tejto ceremónie sa zúčastnili aj programu spojeného s diskusiou a spomienkami na toto obdobie. „Bolo to také dojímavé, ich príbehy sú neveuriteľné silné a dojímavé,“ povedala vojvodkyňa z Cambridge po vypočutí si príbehov tých, čo všetky tie obrovské zverstvá prežili.

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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge today attended the UK #HolocaustMemorialDay Commemorative Ceremony at Central Hall in Westminster. Holocaust Memorial Day takes place on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and honours victims and survivors of the Holocaust, Nazi persecution, and subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. Throughout the Holocaust, many people risked their lives to help others. During the ceremony, The Duke read an extract from a letter written about his great-grandmother, Princess Alice, which described how she helped hide her Jewish friends, the Cohens, in her home. During the service, 75 candles of remembrance were lit to represent the 75th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust. After the ceremony, The Duke and Duchess spoke to Holocaust survivors, and survivors of genocides which have happened since.

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Kate Middleton a William o holokauste

Počas tohto ceremoniálu vojvoda a vojvodkyňa z Cambridge odhalili, že svojim deťom Georgeovi a Charlotte povedali o holokauste. „Dnes sme o tom povedali deťom. Nezachádzali sme do úplných detailov. Na to sú ešte primalí No snažili sme sa im čo najlepšie vysvetliť, čo to holokaust. Chceli sme, aby vedeli, čo sa stalo.“ Pre Kate Middleton, ako aj pre jej manžela princa Williama je dôležité zachovať si pamiatku obetí holokaustu.

Vojvodkyňa z Cambridge sa rozhodla na 2 fotografiách zachytiť dve obete holokaustu spolu s ich vnúčatami. O výsledok podelila aj na svojom oficiálnom účete na Instagrame. Zverejnené fotografie zožali medzi verejnosťou obrovský úspech. Kate Middleton v nich zachytila neuveriteľne silné emócie.

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As part of the commemorations for the 75th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust, The Duchess of Cambridge has taken photographs of two Holocaust survivors with their grandchildren. The first photograph features Steven Frank with his granddaughters, Maggie and Trixie. Alongside his mother and brothers, Steven was sent to Westerbork transit camp then to Theresienstadt. Steven and his brothers were 3 of only 93 children who survived the camp – 15,000 children were sent there. The Duchess also photographed Yvonne Bernstein with her granddaughter Chloe. Yvonne was a hidden child in France, travelling in the care of her aunt and uncle and frequently changing homes and names. The Duchess said: “I wanted to make the portraits deeply personal to Yvonne and Steven – a celebration of family and the life that they have built since they both arrived in Britain in the 1940s. The families brought items of personal significance with them which are included in the photographs. It was a true honour to have been asked to participate in this project and I hope in some way Yvonne and Steven’s memories will be kept alive as they pass the baton to the next generation.” The portraits will form part of a new exhibition opening later this year by @holocaustmemorialdaytrust, Jewish News and @royalphotographicsociety , which will feature 75 images of survivors and their family members. The exhibition will honour the victims of the Holocaust and celebrate the full lives that survivors have built in the UK, whilst inspiring people to consider their own responsibility to remember and share the stories of those who endured Nazi persecution. Portraits ©The Duchess of Cambridge

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Holokaust v skratke

O holokauste rozhodne netreba prestať hovoriť. Je nesmierne dôležité, aby sme si uvedomili, čo všetko sa vtedy dialo a aké zverstvá museli ľudia zažívať.

Holokaust sa začal v januári roku 1933, kedy sa Adolf Hitler dostal k moci. Skončil sa 8. mája 1945.

Počet obetí holokaustu sa odhaduje na 12 až 16 miliónov ľudí. Z toho až 6 miliónov tvorili Židia, čo znamená, že v koncentračných táboroch prišla o život až tretina židovskej populácie. Nacisti sa pritom zameriavali hlavne na židovské deti, pretože v nich videli najväčšiu hrozbu. Zbytok tvorili Rómovia, Slovania, homosexuáli a svedkovia jehovovi.

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